The Deep River Ramblers story...
Tom Paxton once said, “Nothing makes a better show than a bunch of good songs.” The Deep River Ramblers prove Paxton right with their impeccable choice of songs, played with soul and sensitivity. Originally formed to play a Doc Watson tribute show, the Deep River Ramblers found their voice as a band through their series of annual tribute shows at Signature Sounds’ Back Porch Festival. “It was really inspiring for us to unearth the deep catalogs of these great artists and share that with people,” says multi-instrumentalist and singer Jim Henry.
In their service to the song, the band explores all possibilities of the trio format. Everyone is a singer and vocal harmonies often take front-and-center. Multi-instrumentalists Chris Brashear and Jim Henry have a sensitive and dynamic interplay, whether playing guitar, fiddle, mandolin, or dobro. Bass player Paul Kochanski leads with his mantra–just make it sound good. And that’s what the Deep River Ramblers do. Expect to hear uncommon songs by your favorite artists, original songs, traditional tunes, and above all else–master musicians playing in service to their songs and stories. -Max Wareham
In their service to the song, the band explores all possibilities of the trio format. Everyone is a singer and vocal harmonies often take front-and-center. Multi-instrumentalists Chris Brashear and Jim Henry have a sensitive and dynamic interplay, whether playing guitar, fiddle, mandolin, or dobro. Bass player Paul Kochanski leads with his mantra–just make it sound good. And that’s what the Deep River Ramblers do. Expect to hear uncommon songs by your favorite artists, original songs, traditional tunes, and above all else–master musicians playing in service to their songs and stories. -Max Wareham